Sunday, September 21, 2008


When I was growing up, all parents sent their children to the matinee on Saturday because for $.25 they could see two movies, cartoons, newsreels, and a continuing serial movie. The kids would be gone all day! Talk about a good deal! As a teenager the Scera theater in Orem was THE place to go. The Jr. High kids would go on Friday nights (they had bouncers if the kids got too rowdy) and the high school kids would go on Saturday nights with their dates.

The Ultimate Movie survey

Here we go....
What movie have you watched the most time?:Moonstruck. It's one of those movies that you can watch when there is nothing else to watch.
What is the first DVD you owned?: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
What is the first movie you saw in theaters which you remember clearly?: My dad took us to see Bombs Away with Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin in 1954. We had just moved to Utah & he took all the older kids while my mom was coming on the train with two toddlers and a new born.

What is youre favorite comedy?: Scavenger Hunt and Waking Ned Devine.
What is the scariest movie of all time?: In 4th grade we watched The Day the Earth Stood Still in our auditorium at school. It was so scary! I remember we carried our chairs to the auditorium and we were all so scared. I don't know why they would show that movie to kids at school.
What is the best thriller?:Wait Until Dark or Signs
What is the ultimate action movie?: All of the Jason Bourne movies.
What is your favorite adventure movie?:The Harry Potter movies.
What is your favorite fantasy movie?: I hate fantasy except for Harry Potter movies.
What is your favorite Sci-Fi movie?: See above.
What is the most historically sgnificant movie in film history?: Tora, Tora, Tora and The Patriot are two of my favorites.

What is the most romatic movie?: I know it's cheesy, but I love You've got Mail. I watch it when I'm alone.
What is the best movie about friendship?: Beaches.
What is the best movie about sacrifice?:Imitation of Life which is about a mother's sacrifice for her daughter's social standing. It's up there with The Champ and Brian's Song as a tearjerker.
What is the best movie about war?:I love The Green Beret with John Wayne.
Which movie is the biggest in terms of epic scale?: The Ten Commandments because they didn't have the technology but they made it work.
What is the best coming of age movie?: American Graffiti. D

What is the best action scene?: Any of the action sequences from the Bourne movies. When he jumps into a window from another building!
What is the funniest comedic scene?: Anything from What's Up Doc? and Wedding Crashers.
What is the best film of the 30s?: Wizard of Oz and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
40s?: It's a Wonderful Life.
50s?: African Queen.
60s?: So many good ones. West Side Story and The Sound of Music. My first date with Gordon was to see The Sound of Music. Lillies of the Field is also great one.
70?: Norma Rae, The Godfather, Bad News Bears.
80s?: Coal Miner's Daughter was so amazing I forgot I was in the theater. And E.T..
90s?: Titanic.And anything with Tom Hanks.
since 2000?: Walk the Line, Bandits, Ocean's 11.

Who is the best movie hero?: Where would you even start? The dad in Life is Beautiful is such a hero.
Who is the best movie villian?: Bruce Dern in The Cowboys. A great moment with Gordon involved seeing Bruce Dern at Sundance. Gordon was very upset and said, "You killed The Duke!!"
Who is the best movie charactor in terms of complexity?: Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof or he was a simple character and everything around him was complex.

And finally
What is the best movie of all time?: There's no way to answer this but one of my favorites The Sound of Music.
Tank you. please save youre answeres so i can view them :)

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Heather C. said...

Wow, Mom! You have such a good memory--I can name my top ten faves and that's about it!

I forgot about Life is Beautiful--I loved the dad too.

Carly G. said...

I had so much fun doing this with you!!
Love you!

Jayme said...

I love, love, love: Waking Ned Divine, Bourne Identity, Harry Potter, You've Got Mail, Titanic, It's a Wonderful Life and Wizard of Oz!! I would have to add to that amazing list: The Princess Bride, What About Bob, The Pink Panther movies, The Fugitive, Singing in the Rain and Roman Holiday...

jeny said...

Thank you for your tender comment on my post about my dog Riley. The kindness of strangers is such a blessing.

Melanie said...

Ok, you did not tell me that you have a blog...I am impressed! You are a very fun person, thanks for being so kind and thought provoking!