Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tagged: (LJJ)

[first of all, one of the truly great things about being in this great (Allen) family is how well we know each other... I usually find out about me and what I am doing next from someone else - I love it.]
Here we go:
1. Never a felon, I have a few moving violations, but never a felon.
2. I bought "Under the Tuscon Sun" - - - - - - for me.
3. My computer game is broken.
4. I love dogs - Bernese Mountain Dog? - sounds like a wonderful pet.
5. There is great joy in my life if someone is using my yard - climbing the tree, eating the fruit from the trees, playing or picnicking on the lawn, playing in the playhouse, or playing in the sandbox.
6. I wrote in a journal, every day, for fifteen years... stopped cold turkey and have not picked up that pen since. Someday I will start again.
It's difficult to clean up after being tagged.


Unknown said...

This was so cute!
I love checking this page everyday.
Miss you, love you!
Carly & Levi

Heather C. said...

Is the Bernese Mountain Dog comment a subliminal suggestion to my family! They know that is the only kind of dog I would ever get...that is IF I ever got a dog...which I won't!

I love hearing that you enjoy your yard in use, because your yard is the most beautiful, lovely place to be. My kids love everything about it you mentioned!

Odd bus spraypainting...I think I remember the 4:20 thing from about twenty years ago...

Thanks for the fun pictures to look at!

Uncle Bruce said...

hjc -

Bernese Mountain Dog is my dream dog no one knew about... you like it too.

It took along time to get that 4:20 off the bus... what is it a reference to? Oh, the bus was in Payson... 20 yrs behind-everything.

Anonymous said...

Your computer game is broken?? Sounds like someone needs to make a Christmas list :-)I loved your list.Thanks for playing! I put a link to my running club articles on my blog it is small and on the side. That is as far as my bragging could go ;-)

Uncle Bruce said...


Thanks for helping me play tag.

When will the running club start again? How can others help? How can we start them in other places? How did you get it started and supported?