Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Knee Time

Grandma Katie will be having her knee operated on - thank you girls for encouraging her to see the doctor - this Friday. She thinks she will be up to going into work Monday - Girls!!! Encouragement to stay down?

Thanks for all you kids do for me and your Mom.


Heather C. said...

Take away her car keys! She can't walk to Springville! :)

Or tempt her to stay home with a warm blanket on the couch, Price is Right re-runs and a strong cup of Postum.

Uncle Bruce said...

Update: The surgery is now Feb 8th....

Carly G. said...

I'm so unbelievably angry that her surgery was postponed!!
I hope I can come help if she needs it. By the way, I don't know if she gave you the web address for my blog but you can either click on my name right here or just go to
Miss you!!