Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Week at IKEA (One Night)

This past weekend I was able to go to the grand store - IKEA - I had been to the Ikea store in Seattle many years ago and looked forward to going to the "new Ikea". I was blessed to go with my wonderful wife and darling daughter (Carly)... they spent the time looking for specific things they needed and would take back to Boise with Carly. - - - I looked at a way to remodel the bathroom and the master bedroom in my house and use the many styles and configurations to use the space more wisely with the space saving furniture. I also should see my unfinished office completely furnished and decorated - at a reasonable price.

Somehow the time flew by and I found myself wanting to stay longer - so I did. I haven't really left yet... My body came home with the family, but the mind and the dreaming have remained. I'm not sure I will really ever get out of that store. . . it has been nearly a week.

Now what? Do I leave and get home? Do I go back and feel the wallet lighten? Or - I'll just enjoy the time I have left here at the fine IKEA.

I Kind of Enjoyed this - Alot.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!
I'll be coming down in March for a 3 day weekend and we'll have to make a trip up there again (as well as to Chadders again. I've been craving those fries and shakes!)
Love you!!

Heather C. said...

Ha! You got sucked into the IKEA vortex! It's a crazy phenomenon. You feel like you are overwhelmed but seduced at the same time. And why wouldn't you buy a lamp for $22.99? Or a mirror for ten bucks? It's funny how when I'm there I think I need to come home and redecorate in art deco, plastic furniture and paint my house in bright primary colors. Oh well, it's fun to imagine!